Medical Device Security

Launching secure medical devices

What we do

Medical Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity for medical devices is no longer an option. Regulators demand cybersecurity planning and execution. Consumers expect safety, security and privacy. Launching medical devices has never been complex.

But at Thyrasec, we help cut through the complexity to help you build a secure system. We've helped some of the largest Medical Device companies bring Class III and Class II Medical Devices to the market while getting approval FDA and EU MDR approval.

Quality and Regulatory Experience
Having worked with some of the leading medical device companies, we have helped secure products under strict quality and regulatory constraints, so it's not an obstacle, it's part of the work
Securing Hardware
Starting from the ground up, our expertise in reverse engineering and product development helps us secure hardware from the chipset to the circuit board at all stages of the development cycle, from manufacturing to field deployment, helping protect data and intellectual property.
Wireless Security
Working with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular, NFC and other wireless technologies, we build secure product that leverage these wireless platforms properly and add features that secure data at rest and in motion
Security and Authentication
We build security and authentication at device on all levels, from the hardware components to the firmware
Ready to launch your medical device?
Get in touch with our experts today